Find Your Growth Opportunity in 2023

What’s Your 2023 Resolution, Goal, or Intention…

What ever you call “it”, lets’ revisit it more than just once a year! Work towards something, but let go of the hidden expectations, often filled with judgment, and self-criticism. Resolution(s), goal(s), and intention(s) setting can be great when we allow it to be.

Be kind to yourself; Keep it simple, achievable, and measurable. And lets’ re-visit it more than once a year.

Look For Your Opportunity

Did you set an intention too high? Probably when you didn’t have all of life stressors at your forefront? How can you modify it moving forward now that you’ve checked in with your capacity? Find compassion in self-growth and self-learning if you miss the marker you set. It can become an opportunity for either growth, or self-criticism. You are the only person that gets to choose which one. If you hit your marker, celebrate yourself; no matter how small, you accomplished what YOU wanted to.

Don’t forget to re-visit your resolution(s), goal(s), or intention(s) on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Growth and change doesn’t just have to happen on January 1st.

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

—Mary Pickford


Try This Morning Exercise To Kick-Start Your Day